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Thread: AMEN XLVII: Who's the Leader, Again?

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    Orc in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
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    Default Re: AMEN XLVII: Who's the Leader, Again?

    [Nicole's Room]

    [Rochelle evolved into Agony. It's SU-SU-SUPER EFFE-E-E-ECTIVE *BAM* FECTI-TI-TIVE] *radio channel noises*

    Agony nods. "Hmm, another glitch. I know that I was banished to space for reasons that now escape me." She says in a serene manner. "Spent a century alone and another century with alien creatures older than the world itself."

    If her Eldritch nature isn't made manifest yet, then it should be by now. And yes, it wouldn't be hidden from Nicole.

    "I ended up ruling a slave race as Agony, the Empress of..." She cuts herself off and looks around the car. "My thrall, Jade! She must be waiting for me at my lair."

    She stares at Nicole for a bit. "My lair. I would like you to see it. We can conduct our business there." A nod or two follow. "That would be satisfactory."

    Agony looks confused. Squid-head? What is this she speaks of? A quick mind-scan should notify her of what is going on. "Ah, I see. You refer to the alien creatures I spent my time with. You see, dear, I have been trained by them. Touched by them. Made into this. Rochelle no longer exists, and for that, I am glad."

    At least, some of us are.

    "How do you know of them?" An eyebrow is raised, indicating that Nicole's secret is out. "And why do you dislike them so?" Her eyes narrow as she asks that.
    Last edited by Cyber Punk; 2015-05-15 at 08:33 AM.