[Nicole's Room]

Agony can forcibly pull her hands away from Nicole if she's willing to damage them or expend magical energy in the process. Nicole isn't trying to omnom her or anything so sinister. If she was, it wouldn't be that easy, but she isn't so it is.

"Then you do not love yourself."

Nicole dryly observes before downing a slug of alcohol. She's disappointed in Agony. Rochelle was fun and interesting. Rochelle had unlimited potential. Rochelle was tractable...sort of. This screwy tosser? She'll be pushing up daises within the week. And this song and dance routine? She's seen it all before. Won't be long before Agony attempts to dethrone Zefir 'n replace him as the leader of AMEN. Yep. Won't be long. That or VIGIL'll put her down.

"Listen, I'm sorry that you were stranded in space with no one to talk to but Eldritch abominations, and I'm sorry about whatever the heck messed you up in the head in the first place. Honestly, I thought I might be able to save you from your fate, but I'm stupid, drunk, and optimistic. You're too far gone. Tell Zefir that you aim to enslave everyone and deprive them of their free will for the glory of your 'equals'. Tell him that I said you're too far gone. Tell him that you're depraved because you're deprived. I don't care, just tell him. And when he tells you whether you're still one of us, you'd better accept his judgement, because if you don't - if you disobey our leader, I'll hunt you down, seal you in a crate just like that one, and ship you off to GLoG in a cage that even your masters can't possibly open."

"We're done here. Would you kindly haul your sorry, green posterior out of my room before I kick it out of the door?"

Nicole doesn't want Agony to return, like, ever. She can't work with her, she can't control her, and she wants nothing to do with her.

Well-lit path straight to the door, activate!