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Thread: GitP Regulars as Elder Evils!

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP Regulars as Elder Evils!

    Quote Originally Posted by Keledrath View Post
    I am totally stealing Zaydos' format for this.

    Q'l a'Drath

    Perhaps the race most favored by the gods, Dragons are creatures of inestimable power and glory. Blessed with the closest thing to immortality that the lesser races can imagine, graced with size, might, and cunning in abundance, and possessed of a host of overwhelming and innate powers, Dragons are among the most terrifying and awesome creatures in the planes. Among the gods themselves, two of the greatest and most influential champions, Bahamut and Tiamat, are themselves Dragons, and claim the allegiance of countless such creatures.

    It should be no surprise that a Dragon could be the source of such incomprehensible horror.

    Io, the Ninefold Dragon and Creator of Dragonkind, is attributed with the creation the many Dragons, and is credited as the progenitor of the Draconic gods, including Bahamut and Tiamat. His pantheon was forged from the different aspects of Draconic existence - the judge, the lorekeeper, the reaper, and so forth. And powerful a god though he may have been, in his singleminded object of ensuring the continued existence of dragonkind, Io made a mistake. That mistake was Q'l a'Drath.

    Q'l a'Drath was originally named Keladrys, and was created in some ways as a counterpoint to Chronepsis. Whereas the Watcher was intended to judge Dragons that had passed, Keladrys was tasked with their creation - with ensuring the propagation and prosperity of the Draconic race. Keladrys is responsible for the astonishing ability of Dragons to breed with almost any creature; the Half-Dragons, Spellscales, and Dragonblooded races are considered a credit to Keladrys' passion for his work. It is even said that it was Keladrys who inspired Bahamut to create his Dragonborn.

    But there is a fine line between passion and obsession, and at some point Keladrys crossed that line. Some say that he was driven to his madness by the constant efforts of the lesser races to undo his work by slaying Dragons. Others say that his mind became contaminated by the presence of other races in the very half-breed bloodlines he had helped to create. Still others say he was always mad, secretly trying to make Dragons not only the dominant race in the planes, but the sole race in the planes.

    Whatever the cause, the effect was visible. Draconic fertility and virility skyrocketed suddenly, and the population of the creatures exploded. Resources became scarce, and Dragons were pitted against each other for survival. The lesser races banded together to slay every scaled creature they could find. Even the dispassionate Io knew fury, and he poured out his anger over Keladrys, stripping the once-god of his station, form, and name, casting him far into the Outer Planes.

    The madness of the once-god drew the attention of the Far Realm, or perhaps it was the other way around. Something within him broke, if it was ever intact to begin with. Now calling himself Q'l a'Drath, the once-god set about completing his mission with renewed zeal. He would ensure that Dragons would be the sole inhabitants of the planes. If Io didn't understand, then clearly he and his were not True Dragons. He would perfect the design, create the perfect race of Dragons, and then all of the planes would see. And they would learn.


    Ql' a'Drath seeks to create his perfect race of Dragons, and then proliferate them across the planes, killing off any non-Dragons he encounters.

    The Balance of the Scales
    Dragons, and those with Draconic ancestry, begin to experience new strength, resolve... and madness.

    Faint: Something in the air stirs Dragons to activity. Creatures with the Dragon type or Dragonblood subtype enjoy a morale bonus of +1 to all rolls. This stacks with other morale bonuses. Creatures with the Dragon type or Dragonblood subtype must make a Will save (DC 2) every day or go into heat; the morale bonus does not apply to this save. Creatures without the Dragon type or Dragonblood subtype must make a Will save (DC 2) every day or take a morale penalty of -1 to all rolls.
    Moderate: Draconic activity gives way to Draconic power. The morale bonus for creatures with the Dragon type or Dragonblood subtype increases to +2. The DC to avoid going into heat increases to 5. The morale penalty for non-Draconic creatures increases to -2, and the DC to avoid it increases to 5.
    Strong: Draconic power gives way to Draconic madness. The morale bonus for creatures with the Dragon type or Dragonblood subtype increases to +3. The DC to avoid going into heat increases to 8. Additionally, when meeting a non-Draconic creature, any creature with the Dragon type or Dragonblood subtype must make a Will save (DC 8) or attack it with lethal force. If he succeeds on the save, he is immune to this effect with respect to that specific creature for 24 hours. The morale bonus does not apply to this save. The morale penalty for non-Draconic creatures increases to -3, and the DC to avoid it increases to 8. Additionally, non-Draconic creatures must make a Fortitude save (DC 8) or take one negative level. This level cannot be removed magically, but is removed if the creature makes its save the next day. These negative levels stack. Creatures who die from these negative levels do not rise as Undead.
    Overwhelming: Draconic madness gives way to abomination. All creatures with the Dragon type or Dragonblood subtype become Aberrations. They are still treated as though they had their original type and subtype. The morale bonus for creatures with the Dragon type or Dragonblood subtype increases to +5, and the DC to avoid heat or aggression increases to 12. The morale penalty to non-Draconic creatures becomes -5, the DC to avoid it and the negative level becomes 12. Non-Draconic creatures may no longer be raised from the dead.

    Malefic Property:
    In addition to the normal malefic property common to all Elder Evils, Q'l a'Drath has Frenzy of Scales.

    Frenzy of Scales: Any creature with the Dragon type or Dragonblood subtype within the range of this Malefic Property is driven into a state of frenzy. Such a creature must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 Q'l a'Drath's HD + Q'l a'Drath's Charisma modifier) or immediately attack the nearest non-Draconic creature; they cannot stop until their target is dead. If no non-Draconic creatures are available, it must make the same Will save, or else be overcome with lust for the nearest Draconic creature with whom it can breed. If it is alone, this has no effect. Any non-Draconic creature within the range of this Malefic Property must make the same Will save, or else be affected as by a Dragon's Frightful Presence. Treat the non-Draconic creature as though it had fewer than 4 HD for the purpose of determining the effect of Frightful Presence.

    In any case, if a creature within range of this Malefic Property makes his save, he must attempt it for every round while he remains within range of this Malefic Property. If he fails his save, he need not attempt another save until his prey is dead, or he has satisfied his lust, or the Frightful Presence has passed.

    Q'l a'Drath still believes himself a god, and will not intercede directly unless confronted directly. He will not act through agents, either; his influence is far too subtle. He has a Dragon's patience, and will first manifest himself on the Prime Material Plane, in a network of caverns deep beneath the Underdark, when his Strong sign becomes active. Like all Dragons, he is possessed of a hoarding and nesting instinct; when his Overwhelming sign becomes active, he will emerge to the surface as a Colossal++ dragon, scales sparkling with a twisted light like some kind of inverted rainbow. He will select the largest continent as his lair, and gather his frenzied children to him like most Dragons gather treasure. Once he has secured his stronghold, he will send out his children to slay any non-Draconic creatures still alive. Having completed his dominance of the Prime Material Plane, he will then turn his attentions Outward.
    Last edited by Red Fel; 2015-05-19 at 09:52 AM.
    My headache medicine has a little "Ex" inscribed on the pill. It's not a brand name; it's an indicator that it works inside an Anti-Magic Field.

    Blue text means sarcasm. Purple text means evil. White text is invisible.

    My signature got too big for its britches. So now it's over here!