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    Default Re: Base Class Contest XXVIII - (Maybe) Morally Justified

    Karmic Avenger

    Put an optional image of your class here (getting permission from the artist beforehand unless they explicitly allow free use)

    You will be put in balance.

    A Karmic Avenger shifts alignment almost at will, casting Good and Evil spells on a whim.

    Adventures: A Karmic Avenger seeks to balance the multiverse, and adventuring helps them gain the power necessary to do so.

    Characteristics: Karmic Avengers cast spells of destruction and protection, death and healing, good and evil, and law and chaos. They shift from positive to negative effects and back at a moment's notice. They can function as damage dealers and buffers and healers, though not all options are available at all times. They can also be a good party face and/or sage if they choose to focus on it.

    Alignment: A Karmic Avenger's real alignment is always True Neutral, however when they channel negative or positive energy, they become unbalanced in that direction of the alignment wheel.

    Religion: Karmic Avengers follow an ideal of balance between the universal forces. If they do follow a god, it is usually a god of balance or whatever god rules over the others, especially if that god is aloof and impartial.

    Background: Karmic Avengers are created in a moment of enlightenment, which can take one of two forms: that Good and Law are one, and Evil and Chaos are one, or that Good and Chaos are one, and Evil and Law are one.

    Races: Humans are by far the most common Karmic Avengers, along with any other races that show no strong preferences for any alignment. Most other races are too strongly attached to the extremes of the alignment wheel.

    Other Classes: Karmic Avengers do best when their party members are as pragmatic as they are. Good characters will find their abrupt shifts offensive and their channeling of both Evil and Good energies confusing. They may even be seen as abominations lying about their true natures, and some do just that. Evil characters find them useful for the things that they themselves may not be able to do, and may take their moments of selflessness and righteousness as a trick to gain the trust of others.

    Role: Karmic Avengers are similar to warlocks in that their is no maximum daily use for their abilities, but they can also have positive results. They function as blasters, debuffers, buffers, and healers. Their balanced worldview also makes them good arbitrators and able to resolve conflicts and see things from another's point of view.

    Adaptation: DMs may find that the Karmic Avenger is much like a cleric, and may decree that they must follow a neutral god, or an overgod, or no god, as they see fit

    KARMIC AVENGERs have the following game statistics.
    Abilities: Wisdom is the ability that Karmic Avengers cast their spells from. Their other abilities do not matter much, though Constitution will always help them as they are a bit frail, and they have access to all Knowledge skills, so Intelligence will net them more skill points and make them better with those skills.
    Alignment: All Karmic Avengers are True Neutral, but their Karma ability means that they often register as other alignments for the purposes of spells and effects.
    Hit Die: d6
    Starting Age: As sorcerer.
    Starting Gold: As sorcerer.

    Class Skills
    The Karmic Avenger's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).

    Skill Points at First Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4
    Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier

    Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special Highest Spell Level
    Karmic Aura, Karmic Spellcasting 1
    Bonus Feat 1
    Bonus Feat 2
    Improved Karmic Debt 3
    Bonus Feat 4
    Bonus Feat 5
    Improved Channeling 6
    Bonus Feat 7
    Superior Karmic Debt 8
    Supreme Karmic Debt 9
    Bonus Feat 9
    Superior Channeling 9

    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the KARMIC AVENGER.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Karmic Avengers are proficient with all simple weapons and light armor and all shields except tower shields. Note that armor and shields do not affect their spellcasting abilities.

    Karmic Aura (Ex): Alignment is irrelevant to Karmic Avengers. When they use Good or positive energy, they become a creature of good and it infuses their being. When they use Evil or negative energy, the reverse happens. However, in either case, they are uncomfortable being out of balance. So, while they are full of Good energy, they want to help others and be kind to them and spells and effects based on alignment will register them as Good, but they also have an urge to do something hideously evil to bring balance back to their being. Mechanically, they are always in control of their actions, but roleplaying-wise, they may change based on what kind of energy they channeled recently. There are two types of Karmic Avengers, named based on what they consider "Good." The "Liberator" sees Chaos as freedom, and when they channel Good or Chaotic energy, it registers as positive, and their alignment will change to Chaotic Good. When they channel Evil or Lawful energy, it registers as negative and their alignment will change to Lawful Evil. The other type is known as a "Lawbringer," and they consider Law and Good to be one and the same. When they channel either Lawful or Good energy, it registers as positive, and their alignment changes to Lawful Good. When they channel Evil or Chaotic energy, it registers as negative and their alignment changes to Chaotic Evil. "Negative" and "Positive" refer to this choice, made at first level and irrevocable, from this point on in the description of the Karmic Avenger's abilities. Due to the Karmic Aura ability, the Karmic Avenger could, depending on their choices, meet the prerequisites for any feat or prestige class that has an alignment restriction, but they can only benefit from them while their alignment meets those prerequisites. This also applies to the negative levels inflicted by wielding certain weapons; they will sometimes suffer the negative level, and sometimes not, based on the spells they cast. A Karmic Avenger gains positive or negative Karma based on the levels of spells they cast, and then they "spend" that Karma to cast spells of the opposite type. A positive 1st level spell, therefore, brings them to a Karmic Debt level of positive 1. Their Karmic debt limit either negative or positive is equal to their levels of Karmic Avenger. A Karmic Avenger registers as True Neutral to any sort of detect alignment spell if their Karmic Debt is zero, and they register as a cleric of a level equal to whatever their Karmic Debt is at if not. So a Liberator at a Karmic debt level of negative 2 would have an aura of Law and Evil equal to a 2nd level Lawful Evil cleric, and a Lawbringer with a Karmic Debt level of positive 4 would have an aura of Law and Good as a 4th level Lawful Good cleric, no matter what their actual levels are. The DM may rule that actions other than spellcasting can incur Karmic Debt, but this should never be an absolute, nor should the player be aware of the actual numbers they will incur beforehand.

    Karmic Spellcasting: A Karmic Avenger casts divine spells from the cleric domain lists of Death, Destruction, Evil (always negative), Good, Healing, Protection (always positive), as well as Law and Chaos, one of which will be positive and one of which will be negative, decided at first level. The highest level spell a Karmic Avenger can cast is given in the table. There is no numerical limit to how many spells a Karmic Avenger can cast, however, they must have enough Karmic Debt to cast a spell. At first level and with a Karmic Debt of 0, a Karmic Avenger can cast a 1st level spell that is either positive or negative, giving them a Karmic Debt of positive or negative 1. At this point, their next spell must be of the opposite energy type because their Karmic Debt limit is 1. Casting a spell always moves the character's Karmic Debt level equal to the spell's level. Karmic Spellcasting must have a legitimate target to incur Karmic debt. The Karmic Avenger can choose, when they have Karmic Debt more than 0 but less than their limit, to continue in that direction, but they are limited to 1st level spells, until they reach level 12, when they gain Improved Channeling, and can "push" their Karmic Debt level by 2 instead of 1. Thus, a 3rd level Karmic Avenger with a Karmic Debt level of positive 1 can choose to cast another 1st level positive spell and bring his debt level to 2. Then next turn, he can choose to cast a 2nd level negative spell to bring him to 0, or another 1st level positive spell to bring him to his limit of 3. Karmic spells always require the ability to speak and gesture with at least one hand, and do not require divine focuses or components. A Karmic Avenger must have a Wisdom score of at least 10 + the level of the spell he is trying to cast. His spells' saving throws are equal to DC 10 + the level of the spell + his Wisdom modifier. Metamagic feats can affect Karmic spellcasting; they raise the amount of needed debt by the amount that they would normally raise the level of the spell, and cannot bring a spell's effective level above the highest level the Karmic Avenger is normally able to cast. Karmic debt is incurred by any spells (and possibly any action) the Karmic Avenger casts (or does), even if from another spellcasting class the character has. Spells on the Karmic Avenger's spell list, and spells with the Evil, Good, Law, or Chaos descriptors will always incur the appropiate type of Karmic Debt. Other spells may also count as positive or negative, at the DM's discretion. Casting from another class cannot raise the Karmic Avenger's debt level above his maximum; if it would, it is instead raised to the maximum and the spell is cast normally.

    Bonus Feat: At 2nd, 4th, 8th, 10th, 14th, and 19th level, the Karmic Avenger gains a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be chosen from the list of metamagic feats or Karmic feats.

    Improved Karmic Debt: At 6th level, the Karmic Avenger can "go into the red" by 1, so to speak, when casting spells. Therefore, to cast a 3rd level spell, he only needs to have a Karmic Debt level of 2; he casts the spell and his debt level is reduced by 3, putting him at 1 on the opposite end of the scale. Example: Chalstan is a 7th level Karmic Avenger. He casts 3 positive 1st level spells, putting him at a Karmic Debt level of positive 3. He is able to cast a single 4th level negative spell, moving his debt level to negative 1.

    Improved Channeling: At 12th level, the Karmic Avenger can "push" 2 levels into debt instead of 1. Thus, if he is at a Karmic Debt level of zero, he can cast up to a 2nd level positive or negative spell. Example: Chalstan has leveled up to Karmic Avenger level 13. Way to go! He can now cast up to 7th level spells, and has a Karmic Debt limit of 13. With his Improved Channeling, he only needs to cast three 2nd level spells to have enough debt for a 7th level spell, so when he finds himself with a Karmic Debt of positive 6, he unleashes a negative spell of up to 7th level, which would bring him to a Karmic Debt level of negative 1. He can instead, with Karmic Debt of positive 6, cast up to a 2nd level positive spell, which would bring him to a Karmic Debt level of positive 8. As a Liberator, when he has a Karmic Debt level of positive 6, his choices of negative 7th level spells are Disintegrate (Destruction), Blasphemy (Evil), Destruction (Death), and Dictum (Law). If he were a Lawbringer, then Word of Chaos would replace Dictum as an option. If he was at a level of negative 6, his 7th level positive options would be Regenerate (Healing), Holy Word (Good), Repulsion (Protection), and Word of Chaos (Chaos).

    Superior Karmic Debt: At 16th level, the Improved Karmic Debt ability becomes Superior Karmic Debt, which allows the Karmic Avenger to go into the negative by 2 when casting a spell. Thus, Chalstan, who has been busy leveling up to 17th level and gaining his 9th level spells, only needs a Karmic Debt level of positive 7 to cast a 9th level negative spell, which will leave him at negative 2. Note that this works the same whether it is a positive or a negative spell.

    Supreme Karmic Debt: At 18th level, the Superior Karmic Debt ability becomes Supreme Karmic Debt, allowing the Karmic Avenger to go into the negative by 3 when casting a spell.

    Superior Channeling: At 20th level, the Karmic Avenger can "push" into Karmic Debt by 3 spell levels instead of 2.


    Expanded Karmic Domain [Karmic]

    Prerequisite: Karmic Spellcasting ability

    Benefit: Negotiate with your DM to add a new cleric domain to your Karmic spellcasting options. The DM and you should agree on whether it should be positive or negative. Some, such as the Decay domain or the Glory domain, are quite obvious. Others have no clear bias for good or evil; your DM may rule that they are unavailable to you. On the other hand, he may decide that even an inherently neutral force, like the elemental domains, may have a decidedly good or evil god with that domain in the setting (such as Loki having the Fire domain) and allow them.

    Special: You may choose this feat more than once. When you do, you add a different domain to your spell list.

    Expanded Karmic Spells [Karmic]

    Prerequisite: Karmic Spellcasting, caster level 3rd.

    Benefit: Negotiate with your DM to add two positive and two negative spells to your Karmic spellcasting spell list. These spells can come from any spell list. The DM may rule that certain spells are unavailable, and he decides whether they are positive or negative. Only one of the four spells can be at the highest level you can cast; the others must be lower.

    Karmic Turning [Karmic][Divine]

    Prerequisite: Karmic Spellcasting

    Benefit: You can turn or rebuke undead as a cleric equal to your current Karmic Debt level, and if it is positive, you turn them, and if negative, you rebuke them. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your charisma modifier.

    Special: After you have taken Karmic Turning as a feat, you can use your Karmic Avenger bonus feats to take divine feats.

    Karma Houdini [Karmic][Luck]

    Prerequisites: Karmic Spellcasting

    Benefits: Once per day, before making the roll, you may add your current level of negative Karmic debt to a single save. Using this feat is not an action. You may give up your use of this feat to gain another luck reroll if you have other luck feats, but you may not use this feat by using a luck reroll.

    Special: After you have taken Karma Houdini as a feat, you can use your Karmic Avenger bonus feats to take Luck feats.

    Laser-guided Karma [Karmic]

    Prerequisites: Karmic Spellcasting

    Benefits: Your base attack bonus is equal to your positive Karmic debt level or your normal base attack bonus, whichever is higher.

    Special: After you have taken Laser-guided Karma as a feat, you can use your Karmic Avenger bonus feats to take Fighter bonus feats.

    Karmic Guilt [Karmic]

    Prerequisites: Karmic Spellcasting

    Benefits: Whenever you cast a negative spell, you may increase the level of Karmic debt it inflicts by 1.

    Special: You can select Karmic Guilt more than once. Its effects stack. You may not select Karmic Guilt if you have previously selected Exaggerated Karma and vice versa.

    Exaggerated Karma [Karmic]

    Prerequisites: Karmic Spellcasting

    Benefits: Whenever you cast a positive spell, you may increase the level of Karmic debt it inflicts by 1.

    Special: You can select Exaggerated Karma more than once. Its effects stack. You may not select Exaggerated Karma if you have previously selected Karmic Guilt and vice versa.

    Karmic Smite [Karmic]

    Prerequisites: Karmic Spellcasting

    Benefits: When you have positive Karmic debt and you hit an evil creature with a melee attack, you deal extra damage equal to your Karmic debt level. This counts as Smite Evil as a prerequisite for certain prestige classes or feats. It has unlimited uses per day, however, and therefore any time you would gain extra uses of Smite Evil, add one to the damage instead.

    Karmic Ambusher [Karmic][Ambush]

    Prerequisites: Karmic Spellcasting

    Benefits: When you have negative Karmic debt, you gain sneak attack, as the Rogue ability, equal to a rogue whose level matches your current level of Karmic debt. You can deliver this sneak attack damage with a spell if it has an attack roll.

    Special: After you have taken Karmic Ambusher as a feat, you may use your Karmic Avenger bonus feats to take Ambush feats.

    Karmic Metamastery [Karmic][Metamagic]

    Prerequisites: Karmic Spellcasting, any three or more metamagic feats

    Benefits: When you apply metamagic feats to a spell, you reduce the amount of Karmic Debt added to the spell's cost by 1, but not below 1.

    Karma Chameleon [Karmic][Vile][Exalted]

    Prerequisites: Karmic Spellcasting

    Benefits: As long as your Karmic Debt level is one third of your maximum or below (rounding down), you count as whatever alignment would benefit you most at any given time. When someone uses Detect Evil/Law/Good/Chaos on you, you are aware of this and may choose whatever alignment you wish to register as, or none at all.

    Special: Once you have taken Karma Chameleon as a feat, you can select Vile and Exalted feats with your Karmic Avenger bonus feats. You only benefit from Exalted feats while your Karmic debt level is positive, and you only benefit from Vile feats while your Karmic Debt level is negative. You do not (permanently) lose the benefit of either type of feat, even if/when your alignment actually changes. You cannot select both Karma Chameleon and Extreme Karma as feats.

    Extreme Karma [Karmic]

    Prerequisites: Karmic Spellcasting, caster level 10th

    Benefits: The strength of your Karmic Aura is doubled, and you gain fast healing 1 when your Karmic Debt level is positive, and touching living creatures with your skin causes them to gain a negative level when your Karmic Debt is negative. Only one negative level can be given to a single opponent in a round, but if you were grappled by multiple opponents, they would all lose a level. You may also deliver this attack as an unarmed strike and choose to resolve it as a touch attack. As a move action, you may heal any creatures within 30 ft by 1 when your fast healing is active. You gain 5 temporary hitpoints every time you inflict a negative level on someone. You cannot select both Karma Chameleon and Extreme Karma as feats.
    Last edited by sengmeng; 2015-05-29 at 10:31 PM.