[Nicole's Room]

Agony is making made Nicole angry! Agony wouldn't seems to like Nicole when she's angry!

"Fine! Have it your way!"

Nicole will show Agony who's boss, alright! She'll lay into Agony as if Agony is Glass Joe from Mike Tyson's Punch-Out! When Nicole is done with her, they're going to bury what's left of Agony in a soup can!

Nicole attempts to sink her teeth into Agony's shoulder, injecting her with a potent, addictive euphoric agent if her bite connects. She'll then attempt to "tenderly persuade" Agony to chug a half-dozen bottles of bright, sweet liquids, one of which is a bottle of Liquid Agony (A drink brewed and distilled from the agony of victims, and quite sweet and tasty, but very addictive. - Purchased from the Black Dragon's Den), by forcing her to make a tough decision between gulping down the health and regen potions and the entire bottle of alcohol or drowning.

Only then will Nicole attempt to draw the curtain. During the course of the curtained scene, Nicole will introduce Agony to her prized collection of vintage charred instruments of torture and an impressive selection of other items Agony might "love". Long before the curtain rises, Nicole will attempt to swallow Agony whole and alive. If possible, she'll spit Agony up later. Rochelle/Agony did politely ask if she see her insides when she was evolving, after all. Given that Nicole's stomach acids are even more caustic than those of an alien from the Alien Versus Predator films, Agony should get her daily dose of pain and then some. Maybe she won't even notice when Nicole attempts to convert her into a loyal, lesser predator, replacing Agony's rapidly dissolving human flesh with flesh that is more to Nicole's liking. How might she physically change, you ask? For starters, her stomach capacity should significantly increase. Rows of durable pearly whites sharp enough to slice through bone like a hot knife through butter might supplant her average human teeth. Perhaps her sense of smell and her sensitive hearing is enhanced. I leave the details up to you to decide (supposing that Nicole's mutation attempt is successful, that is)! Nicole's only two goals are to sculpt Agony into something a touch more predatory and to engrave a small number of predatory instincts (including fidelity to her pack (Nicole, Bonnie (Nicole's girlfriend), and whoever/whatever else she might consider a member of her pack) and basic self-preservation instincts) into her brain.