He is knocked off, and the telekinesis fails as he plummets and hits the ground, noticeable cracks in his skin.
Molo slowly gets back up in the same way anyone has suffered a fall would: painfully with wincing.
"Yeah....I'm done. Good fight. really gonna have to work on better fighting techniques, I think ours have too many weaknesses compared to yours."

Promethon upon seeing the last fight end, speaks again.
"Well. Hm. It seems they might not be ready at all. Thats not reassuring. Perhaps we can negotiate some time to train them in more proper techniques later, if or when you have the time? But no matter, let us go and get your clay...."

The Workshop Temple
There is a yell.
"Where is it!?!"
Promethon looks around wildly. His stores of clay. Gone! All of them! Where did they go!? He runs over to his store of gems. Gone as well! Just....empty. All the materials he used to make golems just.....up and disappeared! Fearing the worst he ran over to where he kept the scroll to make the golems. The process was complicated after all and he needed to write down how it worked....and it was gone as well.
"My scroll....the ritual to make the golems....and the materials to make them....all gone! How!? They just couldn't have disappeared!"
And where is Epima!? She was supposed to watch all of this! Supposed to take care of it and- whats this little roll of papyrus here? He unrolled it. Only one word was upon it:
He suddenly turned angry.
"Argh! I've been robbed! Epima.....she stole it all from me. She was Dionys all along!"
Dionys was a legendary thief, he had heard the rumors but...he never thought they were true. That she could be anyone, that she could steal anything no matter how large and outrun the gods themselves.
He turned to the others.
"I...I regret to inform you that I've been robbed of all my clay, as well as the scroll I use to make my golems. I am sorry, but I cannot give any clay at this time."
"Mind explaining why?"
"It was all taken....by my apprentice, who I thought was a true follower, but....she was just a thief in disguise. A legendary one named Dionys, famed for being able to steal anything. A papyrus scroll with her name on it is her calling card."
"Ok, stolen by super-thief. Any ideas where she could've gone?"
"No. The legends only say that once she has gotten what she came for, that she runs so fast that no one can catch her in the entire world because she has sandals she stole from a spirit of lightning that they use to run back and forth between the ground and the clouds within a split-second. She could be anywhere by now."
"Ok....then why would she steal a scroll to make golems? I don't think a thief has the expertise to make them, so its most probable that she stole it to sell to someone else...."
Promethons eyes hardened.
"Telgana. She was hired by Telgana to steal the scroll and the materials used to make my golems. They're the most militaristic and nearby neighbor. Now they will probably use them as weapons. Can you please....go get them back? The way my golems obey their purpose means they won't go far from Kurusa for anything, as it wouldn't be protecting it if they did. I'll even let you keep some of the clay you get back. Just....can you please get it back from Telgana?"