Quote Originally Posted by DimpleLoamsdown View Post
Is this what you meant? If it is, how do I take control of P7?
You could PM QuintonBeck, who is the Head GM and in charge of handling NPCs. If you don't want to take over Kuldran and only have P7, I'm not sure if that is possible. Mynxae, who recently joined and took over a nation of three regions only wanted two of those regions. He ended up starting with all three and needed to let the third one go with an action. You could do the same--or better yet, you could take over the Kingdom of Kuldran and make the new ruler (your first ruler) be a native of P7 instead of P6 (which is the current capital region). It will take the NPC off of QuintonBeck's hands and you will be able to have a nation that already has two regions, plus you can fluff out P7 entirely to your liking as well.

Quote Originally Posted by drack View Post
Yup, no need to hand out favors, I'd rather earn it myself, and say, mayhaps my resources will become more useful or something to compensate. If not I accept that I'm doing a quite queer and weird nation which will carry it's own advantages and drawbacks which at the end of the day might be just enough to fix me back up. (pop at the moment is 37k with many at 1 million so it'll certainly still be there if ever I do to war, and having some militant emphasis I can't so quickly dismiss the notion...
I couldn't help but laugh out loud at this statement. Not because it's silly, but because it's a philosophy that a number of nations in the southern hemisphere of Telluris hold quite strongly to.

At any rate, welcome to Empire!

Quote Originally Posted by Aedilred View Post
Secret actions are PMd to Quinton. I guess there's no reason why trades can't be secret, but that means they won't be centrally accounted (as the central record is publicly accessible) and therefore could be missed if they actually become relevant. Trades for technologies being secret probably makes more sense than trades for resources.
I don't think secret trades are possible, because must be accounted for in the administration. The latest version of the rules doesn't specify whether it is allowed or not, but since they are quite clear afterwards anyway it would be somewhat useless to spend a secret action entirely on that.