Quote Originally Posted by C'nor View Post
"I - Wait, did... No, no, it's fine. My skirt's always like this?" The newcomer blushes, shaking her head as she offers Civvy a hand getting up, assuming that she has time to after having to recover from her first exposure to the... Unusual... goddess. "And you don't have to apologize, it was my fault, really. I wasn't looking where I was going. I'm Cirae, you?"

The somewhat bemused human squeaks a little a moment later, belatedly offering her hand again, this time to shake, if Civvy likes; she seems a bit embarrassed about the lapse, but at least she remembered in time, and it's pretty obvious that no slight was intended, unless one wants to take offense... And really, despite her worries, it's Civvy, she's unlikely to want to take offense to being threatened with a bomb, though I suppose at that point she probably would.
"Oh! Nnnnneat!" Civvy says, in regards to the skirt. She's never seen a frozen skirt before! Then she's offered a hand up, and takes it. Civvy, being super skilled at life, uses the offered hand as the entire place to put her weight and what's a counterbalance or getting your feet under yourself?
After some amusing flailing, Civvy ends up on her feet! The second offered hand goes much better, since Civvy actually knows what to do with that one! She shakes Cirae's hand happily! "My name's Civvy! I also normally greet people at the door, but must have missed you coming down. I do apologize for that! Welcome to HALO!" Civvy finishes with a big old happy grin.