Carandil scoffed at the petite Human next to him. "Pods are for younglings. Real men know swoops is where it's at. Nothing like riding full out, repuslorjet throbbing between your legs and the wind ripping through your hair." He glanced up at his conspicuously bald dome. "Er, so they tell me."

Then he turned to Adrian. "When I was talking to my recruiter, I told him if I was going to be in harm's way I didn't want nothing to do with any ship that didn't go fast. He said they've got some spare Deltas now that the Jedi all went and got themselves greased at Geonosis, and I go 'Sold!'"

Then he noticed Lyn approaching. "Well, maybe not all of them. Greetings, master Jedi. Carandil Salosar at your service," he said, taking Lyn's hand in his and gently kissing the back.