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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Aug 2012

    Default Re: [PF] Iron Gods: You Are (Not) Alone In Character

    Quote Originally Posted by Starbin View Post
    Maatook nodded to the woman, a strained smile on his face as he extricated his hand from her vigorous shaking. "Well met, Dolga. We are here to look for my da and rumors have it there is a long stretch of the trail that is under water. We seek blessings to allow us to breath in water ... as well as any information you might have on the previous expeditions."
    "We've just the thing fer that need, young Took. Councilman Kyte's in possession of a metamagic rod that'll keep his casting of a water breathing spell going much longer'n normal. You'll find him at Crowfeather Palace, right on the way to the lake where the entrance to the cave is. Joram's in there running the purification plant like always now that Khonnir isn't around to make sure it's goin'. As fer the other parties, the only folks to come back alive from those caverns were yer da and his allies. They said they ran into some skulks, but that Khonnir managed to scare them off. That does mean that there's an entrance to the Darklands down there somewhere. I'd steer clear o' that if I had the chance. Besides them, we lost two adventuring parties, one of humans and one of halflings, and a bunch of the local street toughs, though we're not exactly mourning their disappearances..."

    "Also, are there no others ready to answer the call?" He glanced around in disappointment, then steeled himself for the journey ahead.
    "Bah, cowards, the lot of them. I even had the town criers start doing rounds this morning offering a 20% discount on anything they buy to help with the effort. I've not even had one soul come in and try to lie to me about it just for the free money! This thing's got people scared. Even the adventures coming in from out of town are just passing through, and without the torch, it won't be long before they just stop coming entirely if their special smithing needs aren't going to be met! I'll give you one of the notices if you need. We'll be paying everyone the difference on what the discounts for out of the treasury, but I'm sure some of the shopkeeps still won't be happy about it. Something with an official seal and signature ought to grease the wheels a bit there though."
    Last edited by Amazo; 2015-06-20 at 10:35 AM.
    Yves Talbot, bard extraordinaire, avatar by Ishmi and the King's Men on Facebook.