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    Default Re: GITP Monster Competition VI - Champions of Good

    Here's my stupid, stupid idea for this month's competition (I am certain I suck, don't try to convince me otherwise).

    _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/

    The Name and the Soul

    Colossal Construct (Extraplanar, Good, Incarnum, Living Construct)
    Hit Dice: 76d10 + 1853 (2251 hp)
    Initiative: +19
    Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 60 ft. (perfect)
    Armor Class: 55 (-8 size, +27 deflection, +11 dexterity, +5 insight, +10 natural), touch 45, flat-footed 44
    Base Attack/Grapple: +57 / +100
    Attack: slam +76 melee (4d6 + 40) or incarnate weapon +82 melee (6d6 + 33)
    Full attack: slam +76 melee (4d6 + 27) and 2 tendrils +76 melee (2d8 + 13) or incarnate weapon +82 / +77 / +72 / +66 melee (6d6 + 33)
    Space/Reach: 40 ft. / 30 ft. (60 ft. with tendrils)
    Special Attacks: Chakra binds, essence of sanctity, soulmelds, spell-like abilities, unname the fallen, utterances, the name spoken
    Special Qualities: Chakra binds, darkvision 120 ft., damage reduction 50 / epic and evil and silver, essence of sanctity, essentia healing, essentia pool 37, fast healing 30, immune to acid and death effects, living construct traits, resistance to cold 30 and electricity 30 and fire 30 and sonic 30, soulmelds, soul naming, soulsense, spell resistance 60, superior low-light vision
    Saves: Fort +51, Ref +39, Will +46
    Abilities: Str 64, Dex 32, Con 56, Int 55, Wis 47, Cha 65
    Skills: Bluff +114, Concentration +106, Diplomacy +114, Heal +97, Intimidate +106, Knowledge (arcana) +101, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +101, Knowledge (geography) +101, Knowledge (history) +101, Knowledge (local) +101, Knowledge (nature) +101, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +101, Knowledge (psionics) +101, Knowledge (religion) +101, Knowledge (the planes) +101, Listen +97, Search +101, Sense Motive +97, Spellcraft +101, Spot +97, Truespeak +164, Use Magic Device +106
    Feats: Cerulean Fortitude, Cerulean Reflexes, Cerulean Will, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Epic Essentia, Epic Skill Focus (Truespeak), Epic Toughness (3), Flyby Attack, Healing Soul, Heart of Incarnum, Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved Essentia Capacity, Improved Initiative, Improved Multiattack, Incarnum-Fortified Body, Multiattack, Obscure Personal Truename, Personal Truename Backlash, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Truespeak), Superior Initiative, Truename Rebuttal, Truename Research
    Environment: Any good-aligned plane
    Organization: Unique
    Challenge Rating: ?
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always neutral good
    Advancement: -
    Level Adjustment: -

    Before you stands a massive being of azure light, a humanoid form that's easily taller than sixty feet. When you look carefully, you can see a virtually infinite number of different faces across his body, whispering appearantly meaningless words, though you can't help but feel the power those words are uttered by and that you could understand at least some of them if you had a deeper knowledge of creation.

    The Name and the Soul of Good, more commonly known as the Name and the Soul or sometimes simply as the Guardian, is an ancient creature, created by Zaphkiel, Talisid and Morwel themselves before the creation of much of the multiverse to protect the two things that form the very heart of good itself: the incarnum of good - thus the souls of every good creature that would ever live- and the truename of good. For that task, a golem was created using material from every plane of good, since it was thought only such a body could be able to endure the task and power the Guardian was given. When the Name and the Soul's shell was finally created, and imbued with its task and power, the archangels realized they were mistaken. Even such a shell couldn't contain the Name and the Soul, and the material used vanished from the face of the multiverse completely.

    However, it was not truly a failure. When the physical form was destroyed, a small form of azure light was left behind. A figure of pure incarnum infused with the knowledge of the primal language of the universe, it quickly expanded as it melded to its form the still unprotected good souls to many times its size. Because of the souls it contained, it was not an ordinary golem. It was intelligent. It was wise. It was alive.

    Today, the Guardian travels the planes, protecting all that is good and holy and selflessly trying to aid even the most vile creatures if it thinks it is possible for them to be redeemed. Although it is within its power to purify the soul of such creatures without permission, the Name and the Soul prefers to try and make them want to change themselves. However, it will not hesitate for one second to battle what is unredeemable, as evil threatens all that it stands for, and with conviction possibly greater than all others, as it guards the heart of all good.

    The Name and the Soul is about eighty feet tall, weighs about 200 pounds and speaks all known languages, even secret languages such as Druidic and lost languages.


    The Name and the Soul avoids fighting whenever possible, preferring to redeem those that would harm it in the first place and avoiding harming good creatures if it can. However, it is by no means a defenseless combatant. It prefers to weaken his opponents by utterances at first, and uses the powers of soulmelds in melee. Since it has easily enough essentia to be used at whatever the situation calls for, the Guardian doesn't mind investing them in feats such as Healing Soul or Cerulean Reflexes, and whenever it has a swift action available and thinks it is better to do so, it reallocates the essentia invested in soulmelds. Whenever reallocating essentia is unnecessary, it uses a quickened utterance or its Healing Soul feat on its swift action.

    Essence of Sanctity (Su): The very nature of the Guardian makes it a strong concentration point for what can be called the essence of sanctity. This essence affects creatures of all alignments within 60 ft. of the Name and the Soul, but in different ways. Good creatures are fascinated for 1d6 rounds and take no damage. Neutral creatures are stunned for 1d6 rounds and take 10d6 per round damage as long as they are stunned. Evil creatures are paralyzed for 1d6 rounds and take 20d6 damage per round as long as they are paralyzed. All creatures can attempt a DC 71 Will save to negate the primary effect and half the damage taken. In addition, all meldshapers must make a DC 71 Fort save or lose the benefits of all soulmelds with the [evil] descriptor as long as they remain within the essence. The save DCs are Constitution-based.

    A creature doesn't take further damage if he remains within the essence if he fails his saves, or make additional saves if he succeeds, but he must attempt another save if he leaves and enters again.

    The Name and the Soul may suppress and resume the essence of sanctity as a free action, but even it can't hold such good and takes 1d4 point of Constitution drain that cannot be prevented through strongheart vest or similar effects every minute the essence is suppressed.

    Once per week, the Name and the Soul may unleash the essence of sanctity in a purifying attack that is often enough to subdue non-pure souls in a large area. As a full-round action, the Guardian may deal 200d6 non-lethal damage to neutral creatures and 400d6 non-lethal damage to evil creatures in a 1,000 ft. radius. Creatures immune to non-leathal damage take lethal damage instead. Non-good creatures in the radius may attempt a DC 71 Fortitude save to half the damage. However, this attack is taxing on the Guardian. For one week, it is considered exhausted, even though it is normally immune to exhaustion, which cannot be eliminated through normal means, and it loses all benefits of the essence of sanctity ability. The save DCs are Constitution-based.

    Essentia Healing (Ex): Since the Name and the Soul is made of good incarnum, it has a virtually unlimited supply of essentia. It recovers 1 point of essentia every round, until it reaches its usual maximum. These essentia can be reallocated as normal. However, if a feat was invested essentia at the beginning of the day and loses some of them later (through rend essentia or a similar effect), the Guardian cannot re-invest essentia in that feat until next day.

    Essentia Pool: The Name and the Soul has an essentia pool of 37 and an essential capacity of 9 (or 10 for incarnum feats). It usually invests 3 points in its Cerulean Fortitude feat, 3 points in its Cerulean Reflexes feat, 3 points in its Cerulean Will feat, 5 points in its Healing Soul feat, 5 points in its incarnate avatar, 6 points in its incarnate weapon, 3 points in its lightning gauntlets, 3 points in its silvertongue mask and 6 points in its vitality belt.

    Living Construct Traits: See Monster Manual III pg. 210 and 215 for details.

    Soulmelds (Su): The Name and the Soul can shape nine soulmelds, drawn from the incarnate and soulborn lists. It currently has the following soulmelds shaped. Each of these soulmelds has an essentia capacity of 9. The Name and the Soul has a meldshaper level of 70 to determine soulmeld abilities.
    Adamant Pauldrons (Su): Because this soulmeld is bound to its shoulders chakra, The Name and the Soul has a 50% chance that any critical hit or sneak attack against it is negated.
    Crystal Helm (Su): The Name and the Soul has a +2 resistance bonus on Will saving throws against charm and compulsion effects. Because this soulmeld is bound to its crown chakra, its melee attacks gain the force descriptor, making them useful against incorporeal foes.
    Impulse Boots (Su): The Name and the Soul has the uncanny dodge ability. Because this soulmeld is bound to its feet chakra, it also gains evasion.
    Incarnate Avatar (Su): The Name and the Soul gains +5 insight bonus to AC.
    Incarnate Weapon (Su): The Name and the Soul has created a +6 warhammer with good alignment from incarnum.
    Lightning Gauntlets (Su): The Name and the Soul can deal 4d6 points of electricity damage with a successful touch attack. Because this soulmeld is bound to its hands chakra, it can also add this damage to one attack per round made with a handheld weapon, unarmed strike or any natural attack using its hands.
    Planar Ward (Su): The Name and the Soul is protected from any attempt to possess it or exercise mental control over it.
    Silvertongue Mask (Su): The Name and the Soul has a +8 insight bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks.
    Vitality Belt (Su): The Name and the Soul gains a +4 morale bonus on Constitution checks and Constitution-based skill checks and 6 bonus hit points. Because this soulmeld is bound to its waist chakra, it is also immune to Constitution damage and Constitution drain.

    Soul Naming: The Name and the Soul knows the personal truename of any good creature, item or location. It also gains a +2 sacred bonus to Truespeak checks made to affect good creatures.

    Soulsense (Su): The Name and the Soul can sense any creature with a Constitution score within 600 ft.. As a move action, it can also sense which square or squares those creatures are on and learn their alignment, as the spells detect chaos / evil / good / law. Mind blank or a similar effect prevents the alignment detection but not the other abilities.

    Spell-like Abilities: 3 / day - greater teleport, plane shift; 1 / month - sanctify the wicked* (DC 41). Caster level 30th. The save DCs are Intelligence-based.

    Note: Sanctify the Wicked doesn't have a sacrifice component, but still requires the normal focus.

    Unname the Fallen (Sp): Three times per day, as a full-round action, the Name and the Soul may attempt a Truespeak check (DC 20 + (2 x target creature's HD)) to unname an evil creature by basically replacing his truename with that of good. This ability is identical to the unname spell, except that it can target any evil creature. A DC 75 Fortitude save negates this effect. The DC is Charisma-based.

    The Name and the Soul never takes unnaming a creature lightly and uses this ability only for truly irredeemable creatures or in dire circumstances.

    Utterances (Sp): Lexicon of the Evolving Mind: 6th - greater word of nurturing, mystic rampart; 5th - greater energy negation, ward of peace; 4th - breath of cleansing (DC 72), morale boost (DC 72); 3rd - incarnation of angels, seek the sky; 2nd - speed of the zephyr, strike of might; 1st - defensive edge, inertia surge; Lexicon of the Crafted Tool: 5th - seize item; 4th - suppress item; 3rd - rebuild item; 2nd - agitate metal; 1st - fortify armor; Lexicon of the Perfected Map: 4th - conjuctive gate; 3rd - thwart the traveler; 2nd - energy vortex; 1st - shockwave (DC 72). Truenamer level 70th.

    The Name Spoken (Su): Because it is the Guardian of the truename of good itself, the Name and the Soul can utter it with ease. Three times per day, the Name and the Soul may make a DC 180 Truespeak check as full-round action. If it succeeds, the universe creates an area of good around the Guardian. This effect develops slowly over three rounds. At the first round, the effects of a blinding glory* spell take place. At the second round, the effects of a holy word spell take place, except that creatures that would be killed are brought to -1 hit points, unconscious, but stable. The save DC for the banishment effect is 72. At the third round, the area is considered to be strongly good-aligned, and non-good creatures within the area take a -2 circumstance penalty to Intelligence-, Wisdom- and Charisma-based checks. The caster level for these effects is equal to the Name and the Soul's HD. This ability affects an area with a radius of 500 ft., centered on the Guardian, even though the spells would indicate otherwise, and the effects last an hour. The save DC is Charisma-based.

    * See Book of Exalted Deeds for spell descriptions.

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    Finished... for now. I might decide to give it back the soulstorm ability, but for now, I am done.
    Last edited by Khantalas; 2007-02-17 at 04:32 PM.