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Thread: Positive Energy Undead

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    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Default Re: Positive Energy Undead

    Quote Originally Posted by Afgncaap5 View Post
    I'd imagine that they don't "rot" but from what images I've seen they probably "dry out." Honestly, "deathless" is a great template for things like non-evil Mummies.

    And I'd imagine that the vampire could be deathless if the vampire god had that kind of control over positive energy. Case in point, I'm not sure I'd let Wee Jas bring back deathless since she's more of a font of negative energy than positive energy. I'm imagining a weird kind of vampire that must always travel westward, since it can only live while being exposed to sunlight, and must never bear witness to the moon or the nights of star-filled skies.

    "Oh, this wicked curse, nevermore able to gaze upon the setting sun or the stars that hide in brighter light..."
    From what I read all gods at the end of the day are positive based while Aboleths are there negative counterparts. That vampire idea actually sounds a pretty hilarious character to play. I might make one in a campaign hunter during day asleep at night. They wont expect a vampire to strike in daylight the perfect front.
    Last edited by Th3N3xtGuy; 2015-07-01 at 04:06 PM.