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Thread: World of Warships: General Quarters!

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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Razgriez's Avatar

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    Feb 2011

    Default Re: World of Warships: General Quarters!

    Some additional advice

    -CTRL+ LMB is used to designate priority targets for your AI controlled AA guns and Secondary battery guns. Basically, if you have multiple targets in range of them, CTRL let's your mouse cursor appear. just hold it over the air squadron, or ship you want to designate (or both, one after the other) click the LMB, and your guns will prioritize them, if they are in range.

    -Much like World of tanks, get the idea of yelling at people for "Kill stealing" and the like out of your head. You are rewarded for what damage you deal, and objectives you accomplish. An enemy ship with even 1 HP, and working turrets, is a dangerous ships.

    -Once a torpedo is in the water, it isn't anyone's friend, not even the controlling player's, with a carrier's torpedo bombers. If any ally is in your arc of fire, presume there's a chance he'll cross in front of your torpedoes' path. Failure to responsibly launch Torpedoes is a great way to get fined heavily, gain the ire of your allies, and will lead to you being marked as a TK'er/damager.

    -Carrier captains. learn to use Alt key + LMB to designate a manual launch of torpedoes. Targeting by ship is very ineffective vs. DDs. Cruisers often have enough time to even dodge when you go by ship targeting. Only the most ponderous of ships will be reliably hit this way. Manual drop designations, gives you a better chance to set up proper torpedo runs to maximize damage and hits. Just make you give a little extra distance from the start of the green arc of fire, otherwise, your torpedoes won't have time to arm before impacting
    Last edited by Razgriez; 2015-07-06 at 10:36 PM.
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