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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Need help roleplaying a CN Necromancer in a party with a LG undead hating Paladin

    Backing up Wizard above me, expecially points 1, 1a, 1b, and 2.

    Why couldn't it be handled OOCly? What exactly happened in that state? OP asked for IC solutions, which tend to fall apart when the OOC climate is unknown.

    OP said "I really don't want to try and tell him to not play a character". Why? Is the player a stubborn and bad player? Did your attempts to convince the DM to kick him out fail? Is walking out a possible solution for you?

    It's best if the paladin's player knows what you're doing and goes along with it, then the IC methods of 'necromancer hiding from the paladin' don't have to cover nearly as many bases. If you're hiding things from the paladin's PLAYER as well, then there's such a huge list of things to stuff under the carpet that it probably won't take long to get busted- if anything, you're acting rather suspicious around him, passing notes with the DM, etc.

    Again, we're asking for the OOC situation so that we can adjust the IC solution to fit.
    Last edited by goto124; 2015-07-17 at 07:44 AM.