Quote Originally Posted by Keltest View Post
I doubt it. Such a character would not be Belkar anymore, and the Order would have no reason not to get him resurrected at the same time as Durkon if that were to happen (if nothing else, they certainly aren't going to leave Vampire Belkar running around.)

Honestly, im in the camp that says that Belkar is going to bite it the traditional way, and the Order wont be able to resurrect him for some reason.
I'm in the camp that says "some reason" is "because he's Belkar". Nothing he does now is going to make up for everything he's done already. No last minute sacrifice is going to convince anyone that he's not still a threat if let off his leash. Nothing he does is going to make Roy say "You know what, I feel like having this albatross hanging around my neck for the rest of my life, let's pay to raise a known murderer."

Also, I agree. We know how vampires work now. Vampire Belkar wouldn't be Belkar, so either way he's dead and gone.