I'm what you might call old school, or maybe even archaic. No matter what the medium of my finished project, I simply must doodle/brainstorm on actual, physical paper. It's mandatory to my creative process, so don't feel bad if there's something that you think is a huge waste of time in your process and you cannot fathom why you have to waste time on this step when other people don't. They have their own huge waste of time thing that essential to their process. Not too many years ago I discovered that I was not in fact a visual learner, but actually a kinetic learner. That's why I retained the most information in the classes where my notebooks were filled with doodles, and the least info when my notebooks wee actually filled with notes. The act of moving my hands was what was making things click. It's probably why despite my best efforts none of my digital stuff even comes close to what I can do with physical media, regardless of whether it's writing or drawing or what have you.