One campaign ended with the party becoming gods, as such players later asked if they could worship them, and once a character had one come to him in a vision.

There was a Sorcerer/Wizard mercenary/cannibal hired to hunt down the party in our first campaign, she appeared in the next 6 or 7 as a minor character in the background of taverns, and twice took an active role in battle, once as essentially a force of nature end a fight between the pc's and an attacking army, the second time to help kill a god.

Our first campaign where the players were minor pirates, they later became a 'scourge' to the government and our second group was sent to hunt them. The first group won by popular demand from the players, they wanted to die to them.

There will probably be a reference to our most recent two parties in our current game, if I can figure out how to work them in without the party dying to them since they literally grouped together with the stated goal of being murderhobos.

Patches the Hyena will show up in the current game, should the pc's decide to split the party again.