If you absolutely won't walk away from this game, I have three words to give this (insert Maxwell's statements to Integra replacing the word Protestant with whatever works) a piece of your mind:

Chicken. Infested. Commoner.

Mix in some informing him that if the weakest class in the game with a feat designed to be a penalty is too powerful, there is literally no character in existence that will work in his game (if he's going to use insane troll logic, then he better be prepared for it in return). Add a dash of doing it in front of the whole table and you might just have a great dish of sweet revenge crafted.

or you could always try sneaking a D2 crusader build past him. Watch the game implode itself after he starts throwing books the first time you deal infinite damage with the added benefit of him not being able to convince others he was in the right:

Potential Player: "You threw books at people?"
Bad DM: "He broke my game!"
Potential Player: "You...threw books. At people."

And, if the above doesn't work, there's always amazing uses for household items. Many of them quite funny and disruptive to his game. This guy doesn't deserve cooperative players.