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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: An Enemy Spy Reads The Wheel of Time! *golf clap*

    Sorry for the delay. Computer's been on the fritz. I saw Fantastic Four today! Don't see it. It's awful. You know that older Fantastic Four movie that isn't very good? Well that one is still better than this one.

    Chapter 10: Leavetaking
    The journey finally begins!

    Our merry band sets forth from Emond's field, with a couple of new additions. Egwene has decided to come along, and despite Lan's protests, Moiraine agrees to let her come. Thom Merrilin is also coming because Emond's field is a dump, and why travel alone when you can travel with a sorceress and a master swordsman when there are monsters about. He also wants to perform in Tar Valon, where the tips are undoubtedly much better.

    Our other two musketeers have weapons of their own. Mat has his hunting bow and Perrin has an axe that was made for a merchant's guard but was never bought. A swordsman, an archer and a guy with an axe; our heroes are already falling neatly into their fantasy archetypes. I'm guessing Rand will be the paladin, Mat will be the rogue, and Perrin will be the fighter. Not bad, but you still need a cleric. Thom is the bard and Lan and Moiraine are the overpowered DMPC's that do all the cool stuff while the players get bored and angry.

    Egwene doesn't seem to realize that there were trollocs attacking the night before. Um, weren't you just helping tend to the wounded? How did you miss a detail like that? She must not have put too many ranks into Spot. And it looks like Bela is ok! Rand is not riding her though, he's letting Egwene ride Bela while he rides a horse named Cloud. Cloud is fast, but he's a hard ride too. There's a reason nobody else picked him.

    Our heroes finally leave the village and start on their way, and already things are going south. Rand spots a giant bat creature flying above them, and Lan tells him it is a Draghkar. The Myrddraal is using it to spy on them.
    Last edited by An Enemy Spy; 2015-08-12 at 08:02 PM.