Does the author give such a long answer often? That's kind of awesome!

Quote Originally Posted by Kantaki
Quote Originally Posted by BaronOfHell
What exactly are the consequences of being destroyed in the afterlife?
I think the consequences might be similar to those a outsider would face upon destruction. The Soul in question would cease to be and become part of the plane in question.
If I understand The Giant correctly, every afterlife has a long complicated process to make each soul surrender their individuality and become a part of the plane. If it were as simple as killing the soul again... Well, I could see the good aligned afterlives wanting a soul's consent, or some evil aligned ones finding the easy solution too boring, but there is probably another reason. Maybe destroyed souls are just that, destroyed, whereas processed souls still exist, if only on a very very technical level.

In any case, my initial question has been answered and then some. Go save the world, Roy!