
Hearing Joresh's mental query, Ethan responds saying, <Paladin he may be, but the man is also a soldier. One who before today thought he was very much at peace, or at least, not going to need to respond to quite so much so unexpectedly. We need to give him something to make his superiors happy, and to give him a clear enemy to defeat. I say we pit him against Raulz, as he will anyway, after making it clear that Raulz and his compatriots are traitors to Karrnath and no more than bandits and highwaymen at this point. It might also be good to label ourselves as private investigators hired by Breland to look into and stop the terrorist bombings occurring recently. Might give us the political heft to let us explain things properly and smooth the ruffled feathers... Though that runs the risk of red tape...>