Quote Originally Posted by Sallera View Post
Spoiler: Just for safety, considering the genre
While I'm loving the show, I don't know if the way they set it up really has two seasons in it, what with the whole (supposed) requirement to kill the fake to proceed. If the barrier hadn't been in the story, figuring out the fake while proceeding with their journey might've been able to stretch to two seasons, but they're doing a good job of eliminating suspects and hypotheses without drawing it out too much; I think the pacing will work out in the end.
I'm steadily being convinced that none of them are the fake, and that for whatever reason there are indeed seven Braves. The Braves as selected wouldn't have trusted each other - Nachetanya and Gouldov don't trust Hans and Flemie as far as they can throw them, Hans, Chamot and Flemie don't trust anyone, and Mora is ultra cautious about anyone other than Chamot. Adlet's job could well be to be the outsider who doesn't know any of these folks but is willing to trust them anyway. It's further possible that the barrier was meant to keep the Braves in until they learned to trust each other, although that's very much an outlying speculation for me right now. I think it probably is a trap, but that we're being mislead as to who set it.

The show's been one of my favorites this season, although Charlotte is quickly overtaking it. Once again I lament the lack of detail in the Crunchyroll show descriptions - I very nearly didn't watch Charlotte at all but ran out of shows to watch while I was on vacation.