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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    The last place you look

    Default Re: Raziere's Rollicking Red Raging Rant (Random Banter Thread #213)

    On the topic of essay-writing, me in Shakespeare:

    (Most of a paragraph explaining why Shakespeare should be readable to modern audiences) On the other hand, this is actual Old English: "Hwæt! we gar-dena in ġeardagum / þeodcyninga þrym ġefrunon / hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon".

    And then the thought ends there, with no translation provided, because it would have ruined the effect of "No, seriously, this is a different language."
    Last edited by Razanir; 2015-09-02 at 11:11 PM.
    Avatar by Venetian Mask. It's of an NPC from a campaign I may yet run (possibly in PbP) who became a favorite of mine while planning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Razanir View Post
    Everyone knows frying pans are actually weapons that people repurpose for cooking
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