Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
What I mean by "does nothing" is what I call the Just Cause 2 problem. Everyone I know, on the entire internet, who played Just Cause 2 was like "oh man I used the grapple to hook a dude to a plane and I flew and he trailed behind me and it was awesome whacky silly fun!"

Then I played it and all I got was shot to death by the overbearing AI and the grapple basically never worked, ever, as if it was heavily glitched. I'm worried that same thing, that feeling of "wow this game just isn't working for me" will happen.

Also for what it's worth you're pretty close to what the plot of Metal Gear Solid 5 actually is! This game takes place after 3 but before 1 and 2, and you play as Big Boss, who after his girlfriend exploded, lost an arm and a couple years off his life due to a coma. So he has to deal with the emotional and physical "phantom pain" while managing The Diamond Dogs, his revivification of "Military Sans Frontiers" his old city state he made using war.
Ah, that's unfortunate. That sounds really frustrating. I hope Metal Gear Solid doesn't let you down, for your own Snake.

And I really didn't expect for that to be anywhere near accurate. Though that actually seems like a really cool story. I kinda started to give up on games because the stories just started to become, I don't know, lackluster. Strangely, this led to me putting way too many hours in Viscera Cleanup Detail, which is honestly way more fun than it should be for reasons I haven't figured out.