Lug, THE Janitor
Male NG Orc Incarnation|Tall Tale|Scholar|Kyodai|Wonder|Warrior Princess, Level 20 (Hexsalt), Init 6, HP 520/520, DR 10/evil and epic, 8/-, Speed 180 ft, swim 180 ft, climb 180 ft, fly 360 ft (good)
AC 58, Touch 37, Flat-footed 52, Fort 42, Ref 32, Will 31, Base Attack Bonus 20
Holy Unarmed Strike +39/+34/+29/+24 (8d8+31, )
Artifact, Holy Greataxe +44/+39/+34/+29 (8d6+52+Energy, )
Magic Vestment Greater Mage Armor (+11 Armor, +6 Dex, -4 Size, +8 Deflect, +10 Natural, +17 Misc)
Abilities Str 57, Dex 23, Con 43, Int 21, Wis 21, Cha 26
Condition Lives on the moon
Spends 90% of his time cleaning up various would be apocalypses.
Spends 5% of his time preventing Red Fel from winning
Spends 3% of his time drinking at Questnaught and Tim the Sage's tavern