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Thread: [Pathfinder] Dreamscarred Press FAQ

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    Dwarf in the Playground
    twas_Brillig's Avatar

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    Jan 2011

    Default Re: [Pathfinder] Dreamscarred Press FAQ

    Path of War: Expanded
    With regards to the "Old dogs and new tricks" section of the System and Use document for Path of War: Expanded. If an archetype or class template overwrites the base class's disciplines list, can that character still replace one of the new disciplines? For instance, a Privateer stalker has the Thrashing Dragon, Golden Lion, Solar Wind, Steel Serpent and Tempest Gale disciplines. Could they replace Golden Lion with Riven Hourglass?

    Path of War: Expanded
    Does a Stalker who "gains the benefits" of Precise Shot and Point Blank Shot qualify as having those feats for the purpose of prerequisites? My instinct is "probably not", but I'm not sure and it feels like it might be valuable to clarify the intent either way.

    (Thanks for doing this FAQ and your presence here in general, it's great you have a clear and approachable way to get feedback.)

    Whoops, one more:
    Path of War: Expanded
    Can you take the Practiced Initiator or Unorthodox Method traits if you don't get maneuvers at first level? For instance, if you're starting in one class and intending to multiclass into an initiator class later on.
    Last edited by twas_Brillig; 2015-09-05 at 02:09 PM. Reason: Formatting