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Thread: Seeking a DM

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    Halfling in the Playground
    stopwatch's Avatar

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    Jul 2007

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    I'm looking for a GM for a game of PTU (Pokemon Tabletop United), not to be confused with PTA (Pokemon Tabletop Adventures). Here is a link to download the PDF if you need it. Anyways, I'm new to this game, and as a result am looking for something that has at least the same basic premise of a common Pokemon game to help me dip my toes in. It doesn't have to be 100% vanilla though. In fact, I encourage a little change. Some things I'd at least be ok with being different are twists to the villainous scheme, the league functioning different, and the mood of the game just being darker. I don't want the mood pitch black mind you. Basically, if the common Pokemon game were pure white, I'd want light to mid grey. In other words,there may be dramatic and scary times, but there's also laughable moments, and if the GM is confident in his (or her) ability, maybe even moments that bring out tears, from joy or sorrow.

    Finally, while a one player campaign isn't necessary, I have no problems with such. Max of four players otherwise. I also feel play by post style would be wise with my availability, but you might be able to change my mind if you want to set up a meeting time. That would be it.
    Last edited by stopwatch; 2015-09-08 at 11:49 AM.