Quote Originally Posted by Elandris Kajar View Post
Don't worry, in my opinion hunt's end is a great spell thematically, although maybe a bit weak? Still, I love the flavor and what it does. What if you gave it 1 target/level if used without plane shifting? It would iOS not overpower it I don't think, but it would let people feasibly bring a small army .(emphasis on small)
The rest of the domain checks out and seems great as usual.
Yeah being on the weak side for a Lv 9 spell is what I'm afraid of. I just went ahead and made it 1/level for plane shifting or not since Plane Shift (5th level spell) already transports a flat 8 (which is more than 20/3), and Greater Planeshift (7th level spell) does it without inaccuracy. So this has the advantage of saving you the scry part of Scry and Die (though that means you don't actually know how many enemies are about at the moment), allowing you to bring more allies, and combining Gr. Planeshift and Gr. Teleport into one spell. All for +2 levels of spell slot and only being available as a domain spell so it's one way.