Quote Originally Posted by CoffeeIncluded View Post
Natalia looks up, poking her head between two slats of thick lumber. Movement catches the corner of her eye and she whips around to see Rhenner aimlessly wandering about.

"Rhenner!" she shouts, waving him down. Why is he wandering about like that? He looks...dazed, almost. Like when you hit an animal in the head with a hammer just before the slaughter.

because Rhenner needs a break and I really like where Mithril and Kurt's conversation is going. Speaking of which, Mithril expects Natalia to vanish next, doesn't she?
Rhenner stops at the temple door and looks up in their general direction. He stands in place for a moment before starting to walk towards them. "Studying the wall", he says, it is more of a statement than a question. His gaze wanders up the wall and to Natalia and back to the wall again, without really focusing on either of them. It stops at Lander though, and is joined by a thoughtful frown. Rhenner studies the elf for a moment, then lets out a resigning sigh, "I'm almost certain that I should know who you are, and it would probably be better to politely pretend that I do. And yet I'm going to honestly but rudely admit that I don't. I apologise for that and ask if you could first kindly tell me that and then promise not to tell Alder about this. Or mother."