Quote Originally Posted by Admiral View Post
Lander sighs. "Ah, Alder had said you were back... it was some time ago that we met. You missed my wedding," he adds, not appearing to take it personally, "but Kraiyah did say she had written you about it. It's Lander." He reaches out his hand in greeting. "One of Girard's sons."


Important note to CWater: I now realized I've added a stepfather to Rhenner that wasn't in our original PM communications. I think it fits with the setting so I hope it's all right.

I'm naming Rhenner's (elvish) stepfather Girard; he married Elynwena not long after Rhenner's father died, 7 years ago. Rhenner has met them, but not since Girard married his mother.

If anything is inconsistent about Rhenner's enormous family tree, write it off to the party's memory
Lander, Kraiyah, Girard, dozens of siblings and step siblings and adopted siblings...Natalia raises a hand and asks with some sheepishness, "Is there...family tree drawn?"

for all of our sakes?

Also, lander was born before his father married rhenners mother, right?