Thank you for making these available in PDF versions! I would prefer the paperbacks, but finances aren't what they used to be unfortunately.

I tried searching the thread, but didn't seen a definitive answer...if Snips Snails and Dragon Tales is an Ookoodook exclusive, does that mean that book will not be coming out as a PDF? I'd like to just get these as they come out, but if SS & DT will be out of print soon and no PDF is coming I'd like to know so I can budget to buy it as soon as possible.

As for new content and PDF vs physical prints... I'd think that this has been something that other comic publishers have been dealing with for some time now, and certainly so have book publishers. I would think there would be some standard formulas by now to calculate the effect of digital sales on physical sales, even for comics, and even for online comics.

Personally, I would like both options to choose from when new books come out and like the "buy a physical copy get the digital for a significant discount" option the most though I see that it is unlikely to happen.

Alternatively, you could just continue to let the PDF versions come out much later than the physical copies. I mean, in a lot of ways, the main part is already online (not sure how things like the prequels work), so having to wait a year or two for PDF versions so as to not cannibalize the physical copy sales makes sense to me.

I'm a fan, I'll take what I can get, but I like flexible options if I can get them.

And since I don't post here a lot, I'd just like to say many thanks for the years of enjoyment from reading your work. As anxious as I am to get to the end of the story, I really don't want to see it end. I like these characters too much. Fantastic work!