As the party runs out into the field, they see civilians darting into shelters, just as men and women with swords and bows emerge. Many seem resigned, as though this were a regular, and unsurprising, occurrence. The party is on the far southern side of the city, but they can see archers line up along the terrace to the north.

"I'll grab my bow," Lander shouts at the party as he steps back towards one of the guard towers. "-and we can meet at the wall. Don't worry- we've been through this-"

Suddenly one of the walls nearest them, the one on the southernmost side of the city, shudders as if struck. Moments later it shutters again, and a small burst of flame seems to break through, in a small chunk ten feet above the ground. Looking through the hole, the party can see a whirlwind of fire- but unlike the fire from the dragon or from a spell, this fire seems to have a stable form- that of a hulking beast. It has punched through the wall as if it were made of paper, and the edges of the hole are already alight.

Time to roll initiative. Map upcoming. Natalia and Rhenner can see this happen, Mithril and Kurt are just a little bit farther but can reach it momentarily and can hear Rhenner and Natalia.