Update in progress, this could take a few days.


Spoiler: Eurynome
Eurynome - a titan who was struck down by the gods for intervening with matters of the world's creation. She grants you the powers of nature, notably those of the sky and the sea.

Eurynome, Mother Of The Material. by Prince Zahn.

Spoiler: Haures
Haures - A mischievous illusionist who grew insane from loneliness and vanished. He grants his summoners the ability to cast illusions.

Haures - The Dreaming Duke. Thanks to Scarce.

Spoiler: Karsus
Karsus - one of the most powerful arcanists who ever lived, who eventually ascended to a very short-lived divinity. He grants his summoners the ability to find and counter magic, as well as aid binders in the discovery of other vestiges.

Karsus, The Hubris In The Blood. By Prince Zahn.

Spoiler: Savnok
Savnok - The servant of two sibling deities who guarded their mother's legendary tools of warfare. He stole the mother's armor for his masters, which turned him mad with power until his ultimate demise.

Savnok - The instigator

Spoiler: Andras
Andras - a mighty champion of both good and evil who abandoned both causes. He offers you capabilities resembling those of a knight.

Andras - The Gray Knight. Brought to you by Scarce.

Spoiler: Tenebrous
Tenebrous - The malevolent shadow of a demon prince that was defeated, but not destroyed. Tenebrous offers the powers of darkness native to the shadowfell.

.Tenebrous, The Shadow That Was. brought to you by Prince Zahn.

Spoiler: Geryon
Geryon was a demon lord of hell, who was struck down by his doubts and mistakes. He grants his binders unique perception and a gaze that floods one's heart with bile.

Geryon - The Deposed Lord. By Scarce

Spoiler: Acererak(Alpha)
Acererak - An ancient, all-powerful demilich who was eventually thwarted. He offers binders features revolving negative energy and makes them one with the undead.

Acererak, The Devourer. courtesy of Scarce.

Spoiler: Marchosias
Marchosias was an invincible assassin who murdered other killers to prove he was the greatest killer of all. He grants his binders all they need to stay hidden and ensure death with a single strike.

Marchosias, King of Killers. by The_Doctor.

Spoiler: Eligor
Eligor was a mighty dragon slayer who faught against Tiamat's dragons, fell in battle, and joined her side in the afterlife upon being forsaken. He grants his summoners the life and skills of a dragon rider.

Eligor, Dragon Slayer. by Submortimer.

Spoiler: Halphax
Halphax was a gnome architect who betrayed his kind to perfect his impregnable fortress. Now he grants binders the ability to raise barriers of unbreakable steel.

Halphax, The Angel In The Angle. by The_Doctor.

Spoiler: Orthos
Orthos is presumably the original vestige, and arguably the most enigmatic of them all, with thousands of stories accross the multiverse of his origin within the void. he lends his powers capabilities to command the wind to defy the laws of nature.

Orthos, the Howling Dark. by Submortimer.

(None, at the moment. )
Misc. Vestiges
The following vestiges are created by the playground for everyone's use. Under this subcategory of vestiges you will find a collection of homages to aspects of other fictional works, pop-culture, notable people or their characters, jokes, memes, movie/cartoon/book protagonists and villains and of anything else that stirs our creative juices. Vestiges under this category are fan-made fabrications and are unrelated to the 3.5e Binder's toolbelt that we are trying to recreate for 5th Edition. Anyone can make them! just bear in mind that they are not considered canon vestiges, but even then they are nevertheless there to be used as such by anyone looking for a little something special to give their Binder.
Ask your DM if you may play with non-canon vestiges, or if specific misc. Vestiges apply better for his or her campaign than others, just to be sure.
Spoiler: Misc Vestiges

Spoiler: Banjo
Banjo was a forgotten, yet memorable god of puppetry who lost all of his clergy.

Banjo, Avatar of Puppets. by The_Doctor.

Spoiler: Bigger(Alpha)
Bigger was a servant of a noble family from another, more judgmental world, who murdered and burnt a noble child and was banished from the afterlife for his crime.

Bigger, The Native Son. As told by The_Doctor.

Spoiler: Don Thousand
Don Thousand - once a virtual god on his home planet. He traveled to the prime material and terrorized humans, and was ultimately defeated By a group of humans and their celestial ally.

Don Thousand - Barian God. Courtesy of The_Doctor.

Spoiler: The Dude
A stoner who somehow became a vestige, I don't remember why. my memories of that time are very fuzzy.

The Dude, He Who Abides. by Scarce.

Spoiler: Emerald Lama
one of multiple, eldritch incarnations of Hastur, who mysteriously became a vestige.[Citation Needed]

Emerald Lama, Nightmare FuelThe corrupter.Brought to you by The_Doctor.

Spoiler: King In Yellow
The King In Yellow is the last King of the lost city of Carcosa. Using the power of Hastur, His existence lives on as vestige through his seal (known as "The Yellow Sign") and an ancient cursed play manuscript. [Citation Needed]
The King In Yellow,

Spoiler: Pun-Pun
Pun-Pun was a megalomaniac kobold who achieved nigh-infinite power, and became an unstoppable deity who one day burned out by the absence of followers, and because no gamemaster in his right mind would let him feed on their campaign.

Pun-Pun, Lord of the Powergame. As portrayed by The_Doctor.

Spoiler: Sagan
Sagan - An astronomer who's contributions to understanding the planes and the multiverse remain unmatched, he learned so much about the cosmos in a single lifetime, that the gods refused to allow it.

Sagan, The Astronomer, by The_Doctor


Below are some optional tools and information I would consider using for my own campaign, if I ever made one.