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Thread: IC IX: Turning the Tide

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: IC IX: Turning the Tide

    Natalia's eyes widen at her mistake--she may be stronger than before, but she's not that strong, and she can see nearly ten orcs bearing down on her. Her realization is soon confirmed as they fire another round of arrows at her. Natalia flips and ducks and dodges and is able to dodge most, but one of them punches through her thigh, trailing blood as it goes. She stumbles, and the orc in the breastplate sends a familiar arrow of sizzling acid in the same spot, burning her already bleeding flesh. She screams as she runs and half-hobbles back to the wall, draws her bow, and chugs another potion that wards her against evil. And considering their axes, that would be appropriate. "Keep them from wall!" she shouts. "Flood of blades through broken dam!"

    Spoiler: Action
    Natalia runs as far back as possible, behind the wall if she can, using the anklet if necessary, and drinks another potion of Protection from Evil, sending her AC back into dodge-tank levels and also protecting her from mental manipulation and summoned creatures (now that I think about it, would Protection from Evil have protected us against the voice? It protects against direct attacks so I don't think so but is my suspicion right?). She can also absorb 108 HP more of fire damage.


    Quote Originally Posted by CWater View Post
    Rhenner runs to the guard tower, and with his back against it glances past the corner at the burning hole in the wall. "How many did you see?!", he shouts to Natalia, then casts a minor spell to improve his aim. Not many combat spells that he prepared today.

    Moves to H48 and casts Guidance on himself.
    "Nine!" Natalia shouts as she grits her teeth and pulls out the stump of the arrow between her forearm. "Might be more!"
    Last edited by CoffeeIncluded; 2015-10-04 at 03:31 PM.