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Thread: Star Power V: The Final Yawntier

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Re: Star Power V: The Final Yawntier

    Quote Originally Posted by Kato View Post
    I also had trouble getting to the comic yesterday. Now it works and, I'll admit, I'm intrigued. Yeah, Mookie could possibly really screw this up or...
    The Zel Gux were no in fact friendly towards the Starpower. Or not anymore? The statues didn't serve to protect Not-Mitch but to guard it. And when another Starpower shows up, they attack it, because it#s the enemy. And their problem with the "prayer" isn't a faulty translation or claim, but the fact that whoever said it was not a savior but a liar who brought (in the end?) destruction. So maybe they were part of whatever destroyed the Starpower or something...
    Which I guess doesn't explain why the statues suddenly speak basic.
    The prayer sounds a lot like something a Starpower would say. My guess is a Starpower named Karuliz showed up, promised salvation, but was really a tyrant that needed to be destroyed (or at least the Zel-Gux view it that way). The statues are accusing Karuliz of being a liar, not Beena.
    Last edited by Kornaki; 2015-10-10 at 10:40 PM.