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Thread: IC IX: Turning the Tide

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    Firbolg in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Re: IC IX: Turning the Tide

    "A traveller risks many injuries while on their journey. Dweller on the Horizon, grant us Your blessing to heal them faster", Rhenner recites from memory as he casts a spell to grant the party fast healing. He also adds a short-term extra effect to the healing on Kurt that might force an attacker to stay their hand.

    Spoiler: Spell, etc.
    Okay, so casting Mass Lesser Vigor (because keeping track of the HP totals wasn't enough of a hassle already), so everyone heal 7 HP this round and 1 HP per round for the next 19. (I think I'll better start keeping count or something.)

    Also, adding a Healing Kicker(1 round of Sanctuary*) to Kurt, DC 23. (Yes, that's right. It's 15+class level+Wis mod.)

    *My understanding of the Sanctuary spell is such that an attacker doesn't know if their target is under the effects of the spell before they try to attack, unless of course they have detected it by using spellcraft, etc. This however, is not explicitly stated, so please let me know if we're using a different ruling.

    Also, if it would be possible to delay this action so that Lander can step close enough to be included in the Vigor spell, that would be nice. :) Unless of course that would mean to delay it as far as the next round, then not. (The range limitation are the same as with Haste.)
    Last edited by CWater; 2015-10-14 at 03:11 PM.
    Alamryn Kven, a druid who tries very hard not to be useless.
    Celesta Halla, a fearless barbarian.
    Jheren Falconer, a drifter ranger.
    Rhenner Calami, a snarky medic with an untrustworthy memory.

    DMing Ljonarian Enigma: Imperial Affairs and The Pirate Dream: Sliced Heart