Quote Originally Posted by Gez View Post
Let's suppose the statubots have had some way to learn new languages, maybe through some mechanism that extends to the rest of the palace. It doesn't really matter.

There's only two differences between what green lady and white lady said:
1. Green lady said "Karuliz?" while white lady said "a sentinel"
2. Green lady's speech was said by green lady, who is not a sentinel, while white lady is

If the statues reacted to point 2, it means they are programmed to kill anyone who'd read out loud what's written on the walls. If they reacted to point 1, it means they are programmed to kill those who fail to translate correctly, but it makes less sense given how they call green lady a liar.
That would be some brutal final exam.

I think that the key gives access to something pretty powerful, and that the Sentinels alone are allowed to use it. To access it, they need to say the phrase, which was written on the wall for their convenience. If it is said by a non-sentinel, the statues shout "liar!".

The statues were already attacking, so mistranslation (which technically didn't happen: it was a consciusly incomplete translation. Like if I wrote "It was an incomplete... 'traduzione'.") shouldn't be caused by it. Actually, the reason was Mitch acting weird. And the question is: why? Was he programmed for it? Is this a test? Had Danica blasted the statues away, would she have suffered any consequence? Are the statues needed to access the key?