Ok, first off green girl needs a slapping. Im not entirely sure anymore what her deal is, though im still thinking jealousy. Especially since now little ms expert screwed up a bit and danica saved the day and found the treasure room or whatever. But geez lady, dial it down a bit. Unless this is all setting up greeny being stupid and grabbing a star power of her own when they reach the end, not knowing or caring that its defective, evil, or corrupted. I can actually see it happening too. "She isnt so special, i bet I could do WAY better as a star powered!" /yoinks spare mitch set at finish line. Then you get a number of issues of her (hopefully) slow descent into bad guy turf. It starts off fine, she is loving playing around with her new powers, then it becomes competitive with danica, then combative, then ENEMY. And the clues start piling up about the star power source she is using is corrupt.

Secondly, the talk with mookie, wow. I actually agreed with a lot of the stuff he said, or at least understood the reasoning. Yeah im not too pleased with his sigfried explanation, but for the most part I could understand what he was going at. As for his no maps thing, ugh. Thats just him being lazy and putting it off till it was too late. He could have easily built a real map early on and stuck to it, but by the time people noticed the distances were wonky it was too late for him to fix, so he decided leaving everything vague was easier. Honestly, what I would have asked him was, did he ever spend much time on these boards? And how did that effect him knowing there was a large community that on the one hand, read his comics religiously, but on the other hand, mocked them relentlessly? I mean, he strikes me as the kind of guy who could go either way in his reaction. "Well they are reading it daily, and it seems like they read each comic several times, so yay for clicks, and they are obviously enjoying themselves a lot poking fun at it, so win win for me." Straight to "Oh happy dagger! Wait for me tub girl, I will join you soon!"