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Thread: At the Edge of Humanity {IC}

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    Troll in the Playground
    ~Corvus~'s Avatar

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    Default Re: At the Edge of Humanity {IC}

    And a welcome to you, Verin Pak.

    "A beer brewer's gem?" Tai dons the padded leather armor.
    Abdul raises his eyes at Tai. I'm surprised you haven't heard of The Dungeoneer's Guide to the Mountain-verse. It talks about the Six Gems and the Dwarves. He motions to Tai and the Alala as he continues. That armor: You'll have little use for it, as your psionic powers will provide for its lack. I found out earlier that there is a hefty bounty for Alala's capture, and if we're not careful getting you out of my Emporium... He leaves the statement hanging.

    Spoiler: please read

    Safety in Abdul's Emporium is not guaranteed unless you are sleeping / resting in the Rest area.

    Regarding Neogi, I'd prefer if Silver Night did the DC 38 knowledge exposition. I'm not up to snuff on Lords of Madness or the critters to do this. Silver, I'd love to work with you in this endeavor.

    Stegyre, your knowledge checks are requiring me to work to cut and excise information and parse it together so that I don't give too much away, and it's a GREAT challenge I'm grateful to have. I'm going to cut your character off for KCs for this in-game day. I'm waiting on the 6-hour research until you've had a Long Rest AND a Short rest, as it will take time. It will be a veritable wall of text.
    Last edited by ~Corvus~; 2015-10-31 at 04:18 PM.
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