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Thread: At the Edge of Humanity {IC}

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    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Default Re: At the Edge of Humanity {IC}

    Verin Pak

    "Glad you ain't just here for decoration." Verin eyes Alala as if she isn't 100% sure on that point, though you may notice she climbs a bit higher still, "And I suppose if you'd like I'll call you Alala, though I think horse-bird-person rolls off the tongue more easily. Anyway, I'd be surprised if a bigg'un like you was afraid of a wee little sword like mine. It's more for things my own size. Pigeons and rats and so on. Killed a Kobold with it once, though. Quite the battle! Took 3 days! I'm sure they still tell stories about me in the Kobold warrens."

    Tall tale delivered, Verin looks to see if any of the others are interested in introducing themselves further.


    "I'm out and about to see a bit more of the world. My sort - undersized Neogi that is - usually end up enslaved or eaten. So, find havin' the opportunity ta do that's valuable to me. An' o course there's spreadin' the word of my most glorious deity."
    Last edited by Silver Night; 2015-10-31 at 11:29 PM.