"Oh, I shouldn't think that necessary.... It doesn't look all that dangerous, and that Verin's actual threats were as minor as stones and lice (and that it needed several days to kill something I could probably kill with a single stamp) suggests that slitting my throat as I sleep is probably a little beyond it's capabilities, whether ethical or physical I'm not entirely sure." Alala wasn't trying to be rude by referring to Verin as an 'it'... she just has no idea what gender the neogi is, or if they even have them. After all, this was just moments after she had to convince herself she wasn't hallucinating it... Alala was hardly a neogi expert!

As a gladiator, being 'crowd-safe' had been as much a part of her training as being arena-lethal was, and in her mind it was the most natural thing in the world to be calm, peaceful and friendly up until the point her masters told her it was time to be horribly violent. And then switch the violence off again at command. That others (such as Vutha) might have doubts about her 'safety' now that the commands to switch between peaceful and violent were coming from herself... simply hadn't occurred to her. Which is why she'd explained why she was safe from the Neogi, but not addressed why she wasn't likely to threaten Verin.