Quote Originally Posted by blackwind1kaze View Post
Vutha, still in his disguise as it helps stop his aura from the possibility of hurting anyone Nods a hello to the Neogi when Alala mentions him.

He then listens back in until Tai mentions the meeting and sleeping here tonight. "I think it wise to spend the night here, making sure we're in peek performance for the meeting, who knows what to expect when we're there", he says to Tai. He then looks back at Alala and the Neogi and says, "Am I needed to be in between you two for the rest of the night?"
Verin Pak

"That's flattering but I think we should just be friends." Verin bobs her head toward the rat, "I agree on the departure time, assuming you are all alright with me tagging along. The quick scuttler doesn't get eaten, and the early thief gets the coin as they say."