Abdul looks at the group with a knowing eye. I'd love to trade with you all, but I'm afraid now is not a good time. If you have potions or gems, however, I will buy them. Starting the next time, though, I must charge you all for lodging: 42 gold a person, which includes secure and restful 9 hours of down time, and a meal before and after your rest.

Xylona gathers the gems from everyone and turns them over to Abdul, who, to your surprise, gives you each (including Verin) a Dwarven Coinpurse, which only holds coin-currency but carries it without weight capacity issues. He then gives 2358 gold pieces to everyone but Verin and scurries out of the tent. You hear hushed voices outside but before anyone can check, Nimidia the gnome ducks into the tent.
Spoiler: Nimidia

Hi there everyone. I met most of you before! I'm Nimidia. If you'll follow me, the dining and rest area is nearby...

And the gnome leads you to a feast-hall where empty plates line the tables, and sets of forks and knives and spoons and chopsticks line the centers of the tables. As you all sit down, several roast-chickens are brought out, carved in different styles and with different herbs and spices. The dragon is brought raw oxen, a little tougher than the last time, but bloody and chewy nonetheless. There are sprouted crowns and orange flower-fruits, carrots and vegetables of all kinds, dips and sauces brought, and 4-foot-tall walking trees bring large mugs of water to the table for each of you.

And for the rest...let us say nothing but that it is a pleasure, for two nights in a row, to have a luxurious place to sleep.