The tree says to them, Youuu loook asss aciiid raaaiiin faaallsss. It pauses. Iiit issss raaaaiiiin fromm otherrrr worldssss, wooorsssse than this one. Youuuu alll arreee your oowwnn familyy nooow.

The treant pauses, and it looks as it it will walk away when it says, Loyallltyyyy. Moooreee impooortant than familyyy is your loooyallltyyyy to eaaachh other. If theyyy seee thaaaat, theyy will nooot caare of famillyyy.

With that, it takes the several mugs of water it has and says, Driiiink, sapliiingsss. Driiink and be welll and fiiind a meeeannsss to be loooyalll to eaaach otherrr. The dwaarrvesss willl test youuur loyaltyyy to eaaach otherrr.

With that, the treant shambles away, slowly enough that one must wait a while before it disappears around a corner.