Quote Originally Posted by Arcran View Post
Marcus watches as Quicksilver and Gelver both get absolutely leveled by the Dugrio's attack, the Trainer's blood running cold as his two apparently strongest Pokemon go down without even putting up a fight.

"Comiter!" Marcus cries, flinging out his Cubone as he returns his two Pokemon. "Keep it busy, alright?" he says awkwardly, reaching for an empty Pokeball. While it was only a temporary fix, maybe he could catch the Dugtrio? He didn't know if even Comiter could handle the strength of the Dugtrio's Magnitude.

Spoiler: Actions
Marcus returns Gelver and Quicksilver!
Marcus releases Comiter! Dugtrio is faster

Marcus: 34/57 HP, 5/5 AP,
Comiter: 20/53 HP, 16 Defense, 5 Special Defense, 14 Speed
+1 Attack, Focused (+1 Accuracy, +2 Skills), Brutal (+1 Critical Hit Range, +1 Effect Range), 1 Injury
Gelver: -13/62 HP, 5 Defense, 4 Special Defense, 18 Speed
+1 Special Attack, Focused (+1 Accuracy, +2 Skills), Brutal (+1 Critical Hit Range, +1 Effect Range), 3 Injuries
Quicksilver: -14/50 HP, 6 Defense, 6 Special Defense, 20 Speed, 3 Injuries
The three pokemon stared deep at Comiter and let out a low, rumbling growl.

Growl! AC 2 (1d20)[1]
Lowers Atk 1 CS upon hit