The spell eventually expires and the prone drow, bound, looks up at you all and smiles, cursing you in undercommon the whole while.

Leena draws her scimitar in anger, pushing the blade deep into the creatures neck, drawing a trickle of blood.

Leena: (in Elvish) I know you understand me you worm. Now are you going to cooperate?

The drow spits on the floor, curses her again in undercommon and then replies in Elvish.

Drow: (in Elvish) You surface dwellers will only die here. You waste your breath!

He spits again. Leena doesn't hesitate and backhands him.

Arcivus, you don't feel right about her methods, though you are oblivious to the exchange. The spitting is a universal sign of disrespect, however. Anyone want to chime in?