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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends LXV: What threads are mine to make, little Lamb? All, dear Wolf

    Quote Originally Posted by McDouggal View Post
    Olinser, where are you getting this data from?

    I have a pet theory. A lot of people are still leveling W first on kog, which is completely wrong. If whatever tools you use can tell you what the skill order winrate is, that would be actually useful.

    The fact that I can shred a fed Garen to half health in 6 seconds with only a Rageblade and a cutlass tells me that his autos are perfectly fine once you get an item under your belt. And yes, this Garen did have tank items, he wasn't just going full damage.

    I also disagree with your assessment that this is a terrible rework. I don't think he'll ever be a solo-queue powerhouse because he requires a bit of investment by your team to keep the squishy alive. For this reason, I shudder to think of what a Braum/Kog lane would look like. Giving an artillery piece a shield from incoming fire is really scary.
    champion.gg has platinum+ statistics and is the best because it actually separates out win rates of different lanes and has statistics available for win rate vs # games played on a champ, win rate by game time, and so on. And yes, it does give you the highest win rate builds. WQEQQRQ is his highest win rate and still has a pathetic 44%.

    lolking tabulates all games of all ranks, which skews the statistics towards pubstompers and makes it harder to differentiate between win rates of different builds on champions because they only have 1 win rate for a champion (Kog is still lowest win rate ADC by a wide margin).

    He doesn't just 'require an investment'. It means that you are committing to being behind for a very long time and losing multiple towers in the meantime. Kog simply isn't good enough to come back from his unbelievably poor laning phase, especially since Riot seems to be committed to making games faster.

    Also dude.... that's not very good against Garen. 6 seconds you got him to half health. In that 6 seconds he's gotten off the full duration of his spin, killed you, and has gone on to bigger and better things.
    Last edited by Olinser; 2015-11-23 at 03:07 PM.


    I use the same name in every game I ever play or forum I join (except the pretender on PSN that forced me to be RealOlinser). If you see an Olinser in a game or on a website, there's a high chance it's me, feel free to shoot me a message.