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    Orc in the Playground
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Re: League of Legends LXV: What threads are mine to make, little Lamb? All, dear Wolf

    Quote Originally Posted by McDouggal View Post
    Cheesus christ on a cracker, Poppy W looks really good. I wonder what effect it'll have on Flash
    RiotScruffy on Twitter mentioned that it only works with dashes, not with Blinks like Flash. So Lucian and Graves cannot enter, but Kassadin and Ezreal can. I wonder if the ability can also be used in reverse, to keep an enemy from escaping? Kalista is going to have a bad time kiting a poppy if she gets in range.

    PBE was just updated, data is being gathered about the abilities as we speak (damage and ratios I mean).


    EDIT: Voiceover, quite a bit more cheerful compared to the old one. Liking the refernece to the old joke at 2:31
    Last edited by RoyVG; 2015-11-24 at 03:29 PM.
    The inFAMOUS Conduit base class. Wow I actually finished it...
    The Darksiders base class, based on the videogame with the same name.

    I also draw some stuff here, Gamespectre on Deviantart