Q 553

i'm also curious how Secret Language correlates from this background? if i select it as my option

Occupation - Thug

Type: Occupation
Campaign Setting: General
You were a thug, such as an enforcer, a tough, or a bodyguard. Did you work for anyone? If so, who? What sorts of missions did you undertake? Were you feared in your community? Or did you stand up for those who were too weak to protect themselves? Why did you leave? Did you leave behind any enemies?
Associated Skills: Athletics, Intimidate
Associated Languages: Secret Language

is this Secret Language different from this Unseelie Agent character theme?

Unseelie Agent Level 5 Feature (5th level): You can speak, read, and write the secret language of the Unseelie fey. This language can be used to communicate securely with others of your ilk.

are these two different?