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    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Default Re: Simple Q&A D&D 4e Thread II: Electric Boogaloo

    Quote Originally Posted by Tegu8788 View Post
    A 554

    When you are a hybrid leader, you only ever get one use of that encounter power. The text at the bottom doesn't matter, because you only have one use of it. Doesn't matter what Leader you pick, you only get one "- Word" per encounter.
    i wanted to double check because on the character builder for the hybrid warlord it says i can use it up to three times at level 16 and the text on the hybrid for bard/sentinel says the exact same phrase but it doesn't show on the character sheet as the hybrid warlord does

    it looks like they need to fix that problem in the online builder, i just wanted to see what was incorrect, something wasn't right. thank you :)
    Last edited by Tussin; 2015-11-30 at 01:40 AM.